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Part 7 - Conclusion and Next Steps

If you made it this far, here's a shout-out for hanging in there and building a Fixie Sidekick! You now have all the knowledge needed to start making custom Sidekicks for just about anything.

Let's recap what we covered:

  • Part 1 → We were introduced to Sidekicks, set-up our dev environment, and cloned the template code.
  • Part 2 → Learned about DocsQA, how to start using an existing Document Collection in a Sidekick, and how to create new collections.
  • Part 3 → The importance of the System Message, how to break it up using JSX components, and how to iteratively tweak the message as our Sidekick evolved.
  • Part 4 → How Sidekicks can get new capabilities using Tools, how to define new Tools, and how to use the GitHub GraphQL API.
  • Part 5 → Moving beyond simple, text-based chat with GenUI, how to use the built-in components, and how to create custom UI components using JSX.
  • Part 6 → The three types of Sidekicks embedding that come out of the box and how to use this to embed a Sidekick on a web page.

We would love to hear your feedback, entertain any PRs you might want to make, and work with you as you build out Sidekicks or other projects!

Additional Resources

  • AI.JSX Docs → You are already here. There is a lot more detail in the Docs as well as other tutorials on AI.JSX.
  • Fixie Docs → All the details about the Corpus API (for working with Document Collections).
  • Fixie on Discord → Join our community on Discord to get help and to connect with other builders.
  • Fixie on GitHub → Home of all the open source projects from Fixie. Also home to AI.JSX code.